The Team in The Programme

Sept 2010:

As I join The Programme, there was still 18 months left to go - 15 for development and 3 for the last rollout.  The team structure is as follows:
  • 3 teams of cross skilled developers, testers, and BAs - team sizes about 10 in each
  • Most developers are from the same consultancy, they are a mix of Siebel, OBI and Data migration developers - each discipline has a team leader. There are around 14 devs in London, 3 in Mumbai
  • All testers are independent contractors, lead by a test team lead (who doesn't test)
  • BAs are mostly contractors, some permanent employees too.
There are around 10 BAs, lead by a team leader.  So three BAs in each team acting as proxy product owners. Interstingly, the "BA team" is using Scrum to organize their work, so they have a separate stand-up each day to synchronize on the analysis of the problem domain.  While this is outside of my scope, I will find out more about this - Scrum applied to analysis.

Other people on the programme: Solution Architect, Programme Manager, Director, Infrastructure team, Support team.